Visual Skills - Basic Training

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Incorporating visual performance drills into your overall training routine can drastically improve performance. 

This link will connect you to basic training videos for your reference. 

These are designed to be a starting point for training and/or an example of what you can do. 

Vision Training should be purposeful and performed only after a comprehensive eye exam and complete vision assessment by an eye doctor.  This will allow for maximum gains from training.  Consult your Sports Vision Specialist to help with a training program.   The resources here are intended for your information only and not be disseminated or profited without expressed written consent of Sports Vision Pros, LLC.  

Training normally starts where things are challenging and continues to ramp up the intensity with the athlete's own progress.  Loading of training - One can also load training by adding time limits/constraints (ex. metronome), balance tools, distraction, cognitive loading, and splitting attention.

We would like to thank the athletes who donated their time to share their experiences and how they utilize Sports Vision Training.  If there are videos you would like to see, please let us know.  We hope you enjoy.  Feel free to contact us with any questions.



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